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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Hate Being Told to Shut Up

(Aired on February 3, 2010)

Since last week's editorial, in which I decried the cost of the olympics, there have been two responses.  First, I received an overwhelmingly positive response from viewers and blog readers.  Second are the multiple columns and blog postings that popped up shortly thereafter saying that people who are bringing up points like this should stop whining.

Don't worry, I am still insecure enough to think that this may have nothing whatsoever to do with me.

The "shut up and look happy" crowd says if the world sees dissent here, they won't want to come here, and this huge marketing experiment will have all been for naught.  The problem with that argument is that - as far as i know - the demonstration of a free society does not discourage tourism, immigration or investment.  I'm not actually saying there should be massive disruptions to the event.  Protests are okay, though.  That's what happens in the free world, and no reasonable person would judge a place solely based on that.  The only thing that would tarnish a city's image is if those protestors are repressed in contravention of the universal declaration of human rights.

The "shut up and look happy" crowd has said opponents are too late to change anything.  That's completely true.  It would take an act of God to cancel the games, and I've long since stopped praying for that.  Indeed at this point, it's not in anyone's best interest.  But why should that stop people from voicing their opinion on the relative validity of something that will cost us all? 

People who are trying to quiet dissent remind of me of parents begging their children to behave when company comes over.  Maybe I'll react differently when my own children are old enough to frustrate my hosting efforts.  For now, it just makes me want to throw a bigger tantrum, and one I won't apologize for.

1 comment:

  1. Reality Check

    Interesting that the CBC interviewed foreign TV news stations that are covering the Olympics and they are reporting equally, 50/50 the "other stories" such as the conditions on Mt Currie reserve, Native land claims, and the safe injection site in E End of Van to their viewers. They are NOT on the proponents of the "shut up and get happy" band wagon which begs the question? What the H.. are we showing off to the world just in order to feel good about ourselves as we waste away in front of our HD TV? Is VOYEURISM an anitdote for hypocracy, deniaL, insecurity or melancholy?


Respectful comments are allowed here, in most respects. Either be respectful, or respect our right to remove your disrespect. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, respect is the key.