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Thursday, January 7, 2010

So this is the New Year...

(Aired on January 6, 2010)

It's 2010, and a lot of people are hoping that 2009 was just a bad dream.  Tiger Woods.  Bernie Madoff.  Anyone involved with Sedric's Adventure Resort.

But the new year gives us a chance to put it all in the past and resolve to start over.  I'm sure you've heard all manner of reasons not to make new year's resolutions.  Most of those reasons revolve around the idea that resolutions are futile and no one sticks to them anyway - so why bother making them in the first place?

That's the type of cynicism that would have marked my 2009 attitude.  But for 2010, I've resolved to be more optimistic.  Everything is already better this year, even the way you say the year - "20-10."   You couldn't say "20-9" last year or "20-oh-9."  That sounds kind of ridiculous.

One reason that I'm not going to deride people who make new year's resolutions is because, at the very least, it represents an effort - concerted or not - to improve one's life.  Too many people don't have any concept of self-improvement, nor do they have any motivation to do so.

So here's another one.  I've resolved to act a little more my age, and move forward on the super-information world wide highway or whatever it's called.  Doug Collins and I have started a blog, and though I realize blogging is so five minutes ago, we're just not quite ready to tweet, or to bare our lives on Facebook. is where you'll find us.  And oh yeah, I'm sure I'll get in shape and all of that stuff too.

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