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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Default Deception

A note from last night's Three Days Grace show:

The headliner was terrific, as was the opener (illScarlett).  The meat in the rock sandwich, though, was starting to turn.  Here's my beef with Default.

During the band's first song, I noticed something odd.  I could hear backup vocals, but the only person singing on stage was the lead singer.  Then, during the second song, I could hear at least two guitar parts, yet there was only one person on stage playing guitar.  It continued throughout the show, including several moments where I could clearly hear an acoustic guitar playing and literally no one on stage was playing.  What I was hearing through my ears did not match what I was seeing with my eyes.

This wouldn't be an issue for me if I didn't differentiate so starkly between performers and artists.  If you are a performer, like Ashlee Simpson for example, and you don't compose your own music or write your own lyrics, I wouldn't really expect you to care about the integrity of your performance.  If you are an artist in a band, I would expect that you do actually play the music I am hearing.

If you want to sound like a bigger band than you are, get more dudes in your band.  Even if just for the tour.

Weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Another note from last night:  Three Days Grace had fire in their stage show.  Real, actual fire.  Sweet.


  1. One of the neat things James and I can do with this page is bounce things off each other. I agree with James post on this with the exception of the comment that seems to indicate that people who don't perform their own music don't have the same integrity in their performance. I think integrity isn't a matter of whether or not you write your own material, it's a matter of the pride you take in ensuring you give your best, without being artificial.


  2. Perhaps integrity is not the correct term to use, but I still believe concert-goers were expecting to see and hear Default the band, not Default the tape.


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